Thursday 28 November 2013

Flower Arrangement

Just a few minutes ago, we have made a wonderful, good looking Flower Arrangement. We are extremely happy with the results, and the flowers are from our school field, where there are lots of flowers. Obviously you can probably see, these were picked from the ground, they were not picked exactly. Its polite to leave flowers growing, until they fall off, then you can make a Flower Arrangement, just like us. Therefore, once again, we are extremely happy with the results. Also, for the last few days, we are sorry for not posting anything, as they have been busy days to be blogging for. Thanks for your reading, of this blog post.

Enjoy your day ya'll.

Monday 25 November 2013

New Times Table Poems

This is my times table poem, and its easily made. I learnt it from a kind teacher, who helped me along with this. I have decided not to put the teachers name on my blog, since we have not got permission from them. You can hardly see what is on the images, so maybe you should look at it here instead.

Times Table Poems.

Five times one is five
maybe we should drive to the hive.

Five times two is ten
why don't we write ten with a pen.

Five times three is fifteen
why don't we paint some green.

Five times four is twenty
and I like to study plenty.

Five times five is twenty five
when you move your body is alive.

Five times six is thirty
oh dear my hands are dirty.

Five times seven is thirty five
and I am really sporty.

Five times nine is forty five
and I am waiting for my Christmas present to arrive.

Five times ten is fifty
lets same our money and be thrifty.

Five times eleven is fifty five
lets go to a disco and jump and jive.

Five times twelve is sixty
and I cant sadly rhyme with this.

By Bostin.

New Library Poem & Song

This is my wonderful poem, that is actually a poem, but meant to be also featuring some song 'in it' if you know what I mean. Here it is, if you cant see it throughout the image. Enjoy it, leave a comment if you like it!
1. Library.
The library has many books, many of them to share.
2. You can take two books out, as a (big 2x) Pair.
3. You can often find me searching shelves in there.
4. But if you make too much noise.... BEWARE!
Enjoyed the poem? If you really did, if you have an account in Google Blogger, feel free to...... COMMENT!
Make a poem ya'll!

Sunday 24 November 2013

Tee-Ball PE Sports

Today was a really great day, with our Tee-Ball PE Sports. We enjoyed ourselves, because it's a really challenging sport. The photos are proof, telling the viewers of this wonderful post that we actually did do this. This was a really fun activity, and indeed it did keep our bodies moving! You have to stand, and hit a special way, to succeed, as you have to know how to do this. Today was a really fun day, indeed!
Eye on the ball, ya'll!